To Blog or not to Blog

Today I decided to become a blogger. I don’t actually read blogs. Knowing nothing about blogging, I did the obvious, typed in  I often wonder why people blog. I also wonder what the word blog means. Why would the word blog have a positive connotation to so many people when it sounds very similar to blob? I also wonder why Americans waste so much time reading people’s blogs, which are basically just un-researched opinions, when they spend so little time reading the news.  Of course I have no idea how much time the average American spends reading blogs versus reading the news. Nor do I have any idea how much research is put into writing the average blog. I am, in my opinion, the perfect candidate to being a blogger.  I have no man, no kids, no dog and my ovaries are quickly turning to dust.  So in conclusion I have chosen… To blog. Well at least I will blog today. Tomorrow a puppy may be on my doorstep. 


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