Hippie Zen-Like Buddhist Feeling Post

We all want what we can not have, well at least I tend to want what I can not have.  More than anything that I want or don't want, I actually only want one thing, which is to stop wanting anything.  Wouldn't it be great to be in a moment, fully, not wondering how you are being perceived, or wondering if by being in this moment you are actually missing out on another moment that is even better than this moment.  I can't count the number of beautiful moments I have wasted, because I was wishing I could be in another moment.  (It's like watching a mediocre show on CBS only to find out later that your favorite movie was playing on ABC and you missed it).  Man, I wish I could be in every moment and no moment all at once.

Sometimes I want you, the one person who can make this moment better or realer (also the one person who can make realer a real word).   I pray for you, because I want to be with you but can't be with you as much as I do try. So I pray for you, because I know that He is with you. 

Of course when I am with you, sadly I am still left wanting. Usually I am wanting for you to "be" with me not just with me. I want you to turn off your wanting so that you can be with me without wanting to be somewhere else or with someone else. I just want you to want to be with me, right here, in this moment.  So please turn off your wanting so we can rest in our being. Being, together, with no more wanting, whirling, waiting, just resting. Resting together, fully satisfied in this shared moment, we can silence our wanting.  That's all I really want (No offense to Cyndi Lauper, some girls just want something else which is really to want nothing else).  

This is a picture of me pretending to meditate while wondering if we should go do something  less weird?!?


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