It's My Twin's Birthday
Yes, that is right, it is my twin's birthday. She is turning 31. This year I didn't forget. I tend to forget her birthday on most years. It's just that well its my birthday too, and life gets kinda crazy on your birthday. Everyone is running around saying "Happy Birthday!" or trying to eat a meal with you. Some years, the bad years, it seems like no one remembers and you spend the whole day feeling sorry for yourself. So, although I always get judgement for this, I tend to overshadow my twin's birthday with thoughts of my own birthday, making it hard to remember her. But... not this year.
An Ode to the Birthday Girl, 31 reasons why I prefer you over most people:
1. You are funny
2. You make me funnier
3. You love the nations, especially India
4. You love Jesus (this is actually number one but just further on the list)
5. You love old country music
6. You actually know about sports unlike all the lame wanna be girls
7. Your affinity to coffee and dark chocolate make you the girl I want to become when I grow up
8. You only open up when you are trapped (sharing a bed or car seems to do the trick ;)!
9. You are confident even if you have no idea what you are doing
10. You are super dramatic, but would never admit it
11. You are really really smart or just really self confident (see #9)
12. You are really competitive, that's why you are the better twin, you just want it more
13. One time you pretended to be an animal cracker by biting his head off and then substituting your head
14. You are weird, but not as weird as me (sorry I win there)
15. You are really good at making people feel special
16. On our first birthday apart you drove to my college and chalked "Happy Birthday" outside of my dorm room
17. You can be a jerk, on our first bday apart you did a chalk n run! I never even saw you, rude.
18. You got a great guy. He's a keeper.
19. You always held my hand during soccer when Couch P. would say if you quit you are off the team. You never let me quit, until that time I actually quit
20. You cried when Whitney died. America took it bad, but it couldn't compare to your grieving from India.
21. You lived in India, thus cooler than most people
22. You know sign language, sort of, at least enough to fake it
23. You read my blog, lets be honest... this is a list of 31 things... that is a big commitment
24. You hate our fat baby pics!
25. You are the only person who fights with me about dying first
26. You stuck with me through my pre-emo garbage loving curse saying morbid stage
27. You are definitely the pretty twin (despite that trick who said you had bigger thighs)
28. You cut off your hair to switch colleges with me
29. You were the brat this year at Christmas, which means I wasn't... thanks.
30. You moved to Kansas hahaha that is always funny
31. It's your birthday and you are awesome!
For the record I postponed my birthday, but I understand if you feel you must buy me something.
An Ode to the Birthday Girl, 31 reasons why I prefer you over most people:
1. You are funny
2. You make me funnier
3. You love the nations, especially India
4. You love Jesus (this is actually number one but just further on the list)
5. You love old country music
6. You actually know about sports unlike all the lame wanna be girls
7. Your affinity to coffee and dark chocolate make you the girl I want to become when I grow up
8. You only open up when you are trapped (sharing a bed or car seems to do the trick ;)!
9. You are confident even if you have no idea what you are doing
10. You are super dramatic, but would never admit it
11. You are really really smart or just really self confident (see #9)

13. One time you pretended to be an animal cracker by biting his head off and then substituting your head
14. You are weird, but not as weird as me (sorry I win there)
15. You are really good at making people feel special
16. On our first birthday apart you drove to my college and chalked "Happy Birthday" outside of my dorm room
17. You can be a jerk, on our first bday apart you did a chalk n run! I never even saw you, rude.
18. You got a great guy. He's a keeper.
19. You always held my hand during soccer when Couch P. would say if you quit you are off the team. You never let me quit, until that time I actually quit
20. You cried when Whitney died. America took it bad, but it couldn't compare to your grieving from India.
21. You lived in India, thus cooler than most people
22. You know sign language, sort of, at least enough to fake it
23. You read my blog, lets be honest... this is a list of 31 things... that is a big commitment
24. You hate our fat baby pics!
25. You are the only person who fights with me about dying first
26. You stuck with me through my pre-emo garbage loving curse saying morbid stage
27. You are definitely the pretty twin (despite that trick who said you had bigger thighs)
28. You cut off your hair to switch colleges with me
29. You were the brat this year at Christmas, which means I wasn't... thanks.
30. You moved to Kansas hahaha that is always funny
31. It's your birthday and you are awesome!
For the record I postponed my birthday, but I understand if you feel you must buy me something.
the title should say "twin's" not "twins"