Wishes out of Ramen and Other Dating things?

Last week I was informed that I had a "dating blog." Crazy how I was the last to know that my blog was indeed a dating blog. Crazier that I haven't been on a date in over a year, but chose to start a dating blog. Oh the irony!  

Since I don't read blogs, I am not sure what a dating blog is. I also am not sure how to keep this up for you, since, again, I have been in a bit of a dry spell. Some would call it a drought, some. Still I feel a deep need to meet your expectations of me. I was banking on you expecting me to just have funny stories about nothing, but you want dating?!?!

To be honest with you, at this exact moment dating is kinda on the back burner. I have other things going on that seem more pressing than dating.  But maybe that is the issue. While I have been looking for jobs, I should have been looking for a rich man to support me and my family. We got dreams, but as we all know, dreaming is easier when you got money in your pocket. With a rich guy we actually could make wishes outta airplanes. 

I have no idea what it means to make wishes out of airplanes. Do you need an airplane? I don't have any airplanes. In lieu of a rich man, I have decided to make wishes out of ramen noodles. I have lots of ramen noodles, and I'd be ok with exchanging them for my wishes. The crazy thing is, if I could exchange ramen noodles for wishes (today), I don't think I would ask for a date. That's why I don't think I have a dating blog, but I guess it's more important what you, the audience, think. So... here's to my dating blog!

Please know, most of my following entries will probably be fictitious, unless the ramen thing works. Also note, that despite my ridiculous blog posts, I really do love Jesus and trust that He is in absolute control.


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